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‘Up to 100’ killed in RSF attack on village in Sudan


An attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on the village of Wad al-Noura in central Sudan’s Gezira state has reportedly led to the death of “up to 100” people, according to the pro-democracy activist group, the Madani Resistance Committee. The RSF, a paramilitary group, attacked the village in two waves, causing widespread displacement. The Sudanese army, led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, did not respond to calls for help from the village, according to the committee. They also shared images on social media of what they described as a “mass grave,” showing rows of bodies in white shrouds in a courtyard. The RSF denied targeting civilians and said it had attacked the army and government-aligned militias in the area. The Transitional Sovereignty Council under Sudan’s de facto ruler General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan condemned the attack, accusing the RSF of targeting civilians. The conflict between the RSF and the Sudanese army began in April 2023 over the planned integration of the paramilitary into the country’s regular armed forces, and has resulted in thousands of deaths and the displacement of almost 9 million people. The UN warned last month that 5 million people were at risk of famine.

Source: AFP, Reuters, DW

So what

Sudan has faced issues for a long time, with this new flair-up in violence carrying out much like the others. While it is unlikely to end soon, it appears likely that Russia is agitating the conflict through its use of military contractors. This appears to be part of Russia’s wider plan to destabilise as much of the world as possible while propping up dictators, and simultaneously blaming the West for everything happening.

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