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Journalists say tech giants aid suppression


Exiled journalists have reported to the European Commission that Google, Meta, and other tech giants are making accessing independent media content in Belarus difficult. These companies have become tools for Alexander Lukashenko’s government to pressure civil society by complying with the restrictions imposed. According to Natalia Belikova, an exiled journalist, technology companies are no longer helping to promote independent media but are instead supporting a totalitarian and authoritarian regime. Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya has emphasized that technology companies have enormous power and are becoming more influential than those in political power. She believes that it is essential for these companies to be committed to promoting democratic values. The Russian media is facing similar challenges. Sarkis Darbinyan, co-founder of the digital rights organization Roskomsvoboda, stated that Google’s algorithms inevitably contribute to Russian state propaganda. Links to state and pro-government media dominate in search results and recommended news generated for any particular user. If a user attempts to access a blocked media company, the search engine algorithm marks the link as inactive, which makes the website disappear from the search results. Meanwhile, unblocked media with similar headlines appear instead.

Source: Deutsche Welle


Much like how adversarial states use Western legal systems against themselves, it is unsurprising that they use internet algorithms offensively. The trouble is it is unlikely that Western governments can make effective changes without being seen as interfering in citizens’ freedoms. This is the classic balance of freedom vs security, something that Western governments have long tried to balance. Regardless, it is highly unlikely that anything will change in the current political environment in the near future.

Russia and China both have a history of using large-scale bot farms to interfere with the information domain of Western states. In a year of numerous significant elections, it is highly likely that they will step up these operations in attempts to continue to divide countries like the United States. While Russia’s ability to conduct these types of operations is likely going to be reduced by the loss of Wagner and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, China still maintains an extremely effective information warfare capability.

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